Weight Loss & Diet tricks that should be forgotten

Weight Loss & Diet tricks that should be forgotten

Weight Loss & Diet tricks that should be forgotten

Better not to spend hours and hours eating a meal snacks than usual in the hours are erratic. Was trying to run a weight loss program? Do not be too much to hear the advice of many people. In fact, not all diets work done by others can succeed on others as well. In his book, “Feed Your Family Right!: How to Make Smart Food and Fitness Choices for a Healthy Lifestyle,” Elisa Zied, said many women unwittingly sabotage their own diets. Here are some of the body weight reduction strategies that could backfire for the culprit.

Only eat special foods diet

Most women who are dieting choose to eat a special diet. Even though the calories terkandungnya with regular food. In a study conducted at Cornell University reported that when presented with chocolate labeled “regular” and “low fat”, as many as 28 percent of respondents choose chocolate that is labeled “low fat”. The reason is, because the respondents assumed that low fat means low calories.

Suggestion: Read the product label. Rather than choose products labeled “low fat”, better reading and researching the label behind the pack. Look for the number of calories per serving size and the size sajinya. Zied says, you can still lose weight and enjoy food like that is not labeled “low fat” as long as you notice the amount you asup.

Skipping meals and snacks multiply

Apparently, within three hours after consuming food at appropriate times of meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) can burn more calories than just snacking on the hours of erratic and missed meals big.

Suggestion: Set a schedule. Begin with a journal of food intake to find out how much food should you asup in a day, and Hold on to that schedule. Everyone is different. “It is not a good thing to feel hungry, but not a bad thing to feel a little hungry.”

Reduce the calories for a week, for a big event at the end of the week
Doing this will only slow down your metabolism, the results of which will decrease the ability to reduce body weight, said George L. Blackburn, MD, Ph.D., author of “Break Through Your Set Point: How to Finally Lose the Weight You Want and Keep It Off”. When you do this repeatedly, the body will enter a conservation mode, making it difficult for the body to lose weight too fast.

Advice: Planning. Reduction of body weight is slowly but steady, sure you lose weight fat, not muscle weight. Thus, targeting to reduce about a pound per week. How, subtract about 250 calories of food intake and your daily burn 250 extra calories through exercise each day.

Short-term Diet

Only about 20 percent of people who are dieting to maintain weight successfully is more than a year. Because, after reaching a goal, or a targeted rate, it’s back to normal eating patterns.

Suggestion: Make lifestyle changes. Create a habit in the long run by making small changes that you can watch. Find out problem areas in your diet one by one. If you have a habit of snacking on cookies every night, make a goal to only eat two, not six pieces, then cut one piece per day. When you successfully do this, go to your next goal.