Weight Control
Managing your Weight Loss

Do you want to be in control of your body weight? Then don't follow a diet.  Instead, take the lead!  Eating right to look better, to feel better, and to live better is not a passive act. The mark of a good diet plan is one that takes you beyond the mentality of "following a diet". A good plan takes you through the steps that will help you lead yourself to your goal.  Yet these important steps are ones most people never take!

Weight Control

The first step is the one less taken

The reason most people never take the first action step is that it's missing in most diets! That first step is:

Evaluate what you're doing now
This is the single most important step you can take to get things off to a good start. Sure, we all know that we don't always "eat right" or that we simply "eat too much". But it takes more than common sense to make changes that lead to permanent weight control (otherwise we would all be at our perfect weight!) And I'm not talking about simply keeping a record of what you're eating. A thorough evaluation of your diet habits, how much, how often, and what types of foods you eat is essential - it's the step that starts you off on the right path towards positive and permanent change. Taking the time up-front to evaluate your current diet habits can keep you from reaching a "diet dead-end," so take the time to do this!

Evaluation is an ongoing process, and it's a skill a good leader must have to reach any goal. It starts you off on the right path and helps keep you on track as you apply new habits. Consistently evaluating your situations and setting a new course of action (or adjusting the old one) will get you where you want to go.

At Personal Dietitian, we use a professionally developed diet survey that gets to the heart of what you're eating now.  It's one of the differences between following a generic "off the shelf" plan and one that is designed to your needs. It helps identify the good things you're doing now, and the most effective changes you can make right away to have the most impact. It's a real eye opener, even for people who think they knew everything about their diet and how to "eat right." Did you know that some of the foods you think you eat "once in awhile" can make the difference between losing weight and staying the same? Do you know how often you can eat some of your favorite foods and still maintain a healthy diet that leads to good weight control? To learn how your diet habits are impeding your long term weight control, consider our free diet profile - see first hand what makes a Personal Diet Plan better for you.