Fast Weight Loss Diet

Fast Weight Loss Diet

Reduce Calories in Fruit and Vegetables

Food consumed each day could prolong the alias makes durable muda.Namun this only happens if you eat healthy nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables. And this proved the American billionaire David Murdoch (85) who stay in shape in old age.

After the death of his wife from cancer, which is believed to be the cause because the dietary intake and unhealthy eating patterns, Murdoch expand production of fruit and vegetables with vitamins and proper nutrition.

He himself used the consumption of fruits and vegetables with a combination of protein such as eggs and fish. It became the secret to staying in shape in old age. Even Murdoch can still do cardio exercise 60 minutes, 50 push-ups, and never the flu for 20 years. He never take pills and aspirin.

Echoes healthy menu such as a breakfast with no sugar oatmeal with blueberries and kiwi fruit as a daily menu. Lunch followed by egg-white omelets, of course, with vegetables and fruits. Dinner, vegetables and fish. In between meals, drink smoothies consisting of 15 kinds of fruits and vegetables. It may look unsightly, but it felt refreshing, says Murdoch as conveyed in the Oprah Winfrey Show edition of “Extreme Life Extension.”

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